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- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/nodes.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <exec/execbase.h>
- #include <setjmp.h>
- /******************************************************************************
- ** these externs should be defined by the compiler or by the user! the makros
- ** below just use them
- */
- /* extern APTR SysBase; */
- /******************************************************************************
- ** this lets you use simple exception handling with standard ansi-c
- ** note: never RAISE a value of zero (this would result into an infinite loop)
- **
- ** TRY
- ** {
- ** ... RAISE(5); ...
- ** }
- ** CATCH
- ** {
- ** switch (exception)
- ** {
- ** ...
- ** case 5: ...
- ** ...
- ** }
- ** }
- */
- #define TRY { jmp_buf buf; int exception = setjmp(buf); if (!exception) {
- #define CATCH } else {
- #define ENDTRY } }
- #define RAISE(e) longjmp(buf, e)
- /******************************************************************************
- ** other stuff
- */
- #define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
- #define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
- #define BPTR2APTR(b) (((long)b)<<2)
- /******************************************************************************
- ** these macros replace some savagelib functions :)
- */
- #define sav_PutChar(a,v) (*((char*)(a)))=((char)(v))
- #define sav_PutInt(a,v) (*((short*)(a)))=((short)(v))
- #define sav_PutLong(a,v) (*((long*)(a)))=((long)(v))
- #define sav_GetChar(a) (*((char*)(a)))
- #define sav_GetInt(a) (*((short*)(a)))
- #define sav_GetLong(a) (*((long*)(a)))
- #define sav_Beep() DisplayBeep(NULL)
- #define sav_Even(n) (!((n)&1))
- #define sav_BitAND(a,b) ((a)&(b))
- #define sav_BitOR(a,b) ((a)|(b))
- #define sav_BitXOR(a,b) ((a)^(b))
- #define sav_BitNOT(a) (~(a))
- #define sav_IsListEmpty(l) ((((struct List *)(l))->lh_TailPred)==(struct Node *)(l))
- #define sav_GetSucc(n) (((n)->ln_Succ->ln_Succ)?((n)->ln_Succ):NULL)
- #define sav_GetPred(n) (((n)->ln_Pred->ln_Pred)?((n)->ln_Pred):NULL)
- #define sav_FreeTotalMem() AvailMem(MEMF_ANY)
- #define sav_FreeChipMem() AvailMem(MEMF_CHIP)
- #define sav_FreeFastMem() AvailMem(MEMF_FAST)
- #define sav_FindCOS() Output()
- #define sav_FindCIS() Input()
- #define sav_KickVersion() (((struct ExecBase *)SysBase)->LibNode.lib_Version)
- #endif